A start of an end is a new beginning, let us press on and run this race together!

Final Assessment

Every new dawn brings a fresh chance, it brings new hope; it sheds new light on old problems. For me, this module brought me new light and enlightenment on the power of the web, connectivity and the importance of filtering data before uploading infromation on social media as well as how much a digital profile could actually help me with securing my future employers and opportunities.

I have learnt that the web is powerful, and there is so much that we can do with it, limitless opportunities to explore and to be discovered. I realised that it has so much that i can learnt from using social media such as twitter. After this module, I started keeping a lookout on the various marketing related resources, for example, emarketer,newscred and solomolT(Digital Marketing), providing informative news and facts that will benefit marketing associates as well as important and relevant tips that would help marketing undergraduates like myself to realise there is so much more that can be learn in the digital marketing world.

It was fruitful as I felt I have become so much more knowledgeble with regards of what I can do with the web. “Even in a bad situation, there’s always a positive side..”-Susane Colasanti. We have heard all the bad side of the web, however we can use it to our advantage by building our personal brand using the various social media platforms for instance LinkedIn, Facebook, twitter, instagram etc and create our own digital profile. Personally, I reliased after module, I have been using LinkedIn much more as I realised it’s potential of helping me established a professional image, also, it would be the channel whereby I would have my professional network as well as communications.

After being tasked to do countless of research, I realised the importance to credit and reference my information. Like those publishers, seeing their work being plagarised as the work of others(Trying to put myself in their shoes), how disheartening would that be? Hence, I have learnt that this double edged sword called the web, has its positive and negative effects ,it could be a blessing and a disaster.

I believe this module has successfully brought my digital presence to another level, bringing to light my digital profile, very own social CV as well as my resume video. Seeing all those innovative and creative attention capturing videos truly inspired me to make one of my own.

A start of an end is a new beginning, let us press on and run this race together!




Facebook.com, (2014). Lim Xuan Amanda | Facebook. [online] Available at: https://www.facebook.com/limxuanamanda [Accessed 17 Dec. 2014].

Goodreads, (2014). a quote by Susane Colasanti. [online] Available at: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/141845-even-in-a-bad-situation-there-s-always-a-positive-side [Accessed 17 Dec. 2014].

Instagram.com, (2014). xuaner_amando on Instagram. [online] Available at: http://instagram.com/xuaner_amando/ [Accessed 17 Dec. 2014].

Linkedin.com, (2014). Sign Up | LinkedIn. [online] Available at: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=246869374&trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile_pic [Accessed 17 Dec. 2014].

Media.chuwarbaptist.com, (2014). [online] Available at: http://media.chuwarbaptist.com/2013/02/The-end-of-the-race.jpg.png [Accessed 17 Dec. 2014].

Quotations, S. (2014). New Beginnings Quotes | Quotes about New Beginnings | Sayings about New Beginnings. [online] Searchquotes.com. Available at: http://www.searchquotes.com/quotes/about/New_Beginnings/ [Accessed 17 Dec. 2014].

Twitter.com, (2014). Digital Marketing (@solomoIT) | Twitter. [online] Available at: https://twitter.com/solomoIT [Accessed 17 Dec. 2014].

Twitter.com, (2014). eMarketer (@eMarketer) | Twitter. [online] Available at: https://twitter.com/eMarketer [Accessed 17 Dec. 2014].

Twitter.com, (2014). NewsCred (@newscred) | Twitter. [online] Available at: https://twitter.com/newscred [Accessed 17 Dec. 2014].

Twitter.com, (2014). Welcome to Twitter – Login or Sign up. [online] Available at: https://twitter.com/ [Accessed 17 Dec. 2014].

Topic 5 Reflection-What should we do?

It is definitely eye opening to see my classmate’s essays, providing many views in many aspects. There were agreeing and disagreeing views and allow me sum up what I think about openness in accessing free materials online! Indeed, it is a dilemma! Are we for or against openness in accessing free materials online?

Having an open system of free materials online, will surely benefit those underserved communities and less developed countries but at the expense of the painstaking work of those authors and publishers. Thinking back, with such openness it will be helpful for those individuals who faces the difficulty of paying school fees.

On Ebrahim’s post, he mentioned Coursera a course that allows students to get education for free, this meets the needs of the type of individuals that i have just mentioned. However here we face another problem, who will bear the cost of such not for profit organizations? Nevertheless how much I am for an open access system, from Simon’s post, it is inevitable that someone has to bear some cost for these materials and resources as it is not feasible to use taxpayers and government money on the long run. We are unable to deny the fact that this is a problem that we will face in the future. In addition, it is found on olja’s resources provided, a study conducted found that 90 per cent of online content would likely be held behind a pay wall in the coming years. In this direction, it is likely to see the end of the ‘free for all’ online culture with two thirds of media companies expecting fees to be introduced for most of the content available online.

I believe a change in this system have to be implemented, advancement in technology should bring an positive effect on mankind. We should use the technology to implement changes that will be used on our advantage. I do not have a solution for this problem, however I think, it is necessary that free education provided to deprived individuals and is crucial for an overall improvement in education level in the globe. Also to help those less developed countries to get out of the vicious cycle of poverty.




Anon, (2014). [online] Available at: http://www.thedrum.com/news/2013/04/12/90-online-content-be-held-behind-paywalls-three-years-media-company-survey-suggests [Accessed 10 Dec. 2014].

Those I commented on! Respectively Ebrahim and Yiming:)

The thoughts of Mr Ebra, (2014). I got my degree for $0. [online] Available at: https://ebrahimshakir.wordpress.com/2014/12/09/i-got-my-degree-for-0/ [Accessed 10 Dec. 2014].

yiming@ SotonMANG2049, (2014). Should Online Materials be FREE ?. [online] Available at: http://yimingsotonmang2049.wordpress.com/2014/12/09/should-online-materials-be-free/ [Accessed 10 Dec. 2014].

Topic5: Openness to free access to online materials

Advantages to openness

Improving education level

With openness to accessing free materials online, more educational resources can be reached by underserved communities and countries. This will improve the overall education level in the globe and allow breakthroughs in poverty and less developed countries. Also, societies will benefit from such accessible network as well.

Beneficial to research

When materials are freely accessable online, crucial information on articles assist other reaesrchers in uncovering more relationships and truths. With this open access system, it could accelarate the progress of discovering these facts and truths and hence improving and beneficial to research on the society and mankind.

Reducing the need of paying for unrelevant articles

Openess in distributing onine articles freely could reduce the need of paying for unrelevant articles. When abstracts or summaries for articles are not clearly written, mistaken people that chose to purchase these online articles would have wasted their money! Hence with openess of the web,materials that are published free online could clearly understand the article and such scenerios such as paying for unrelevant articles could be avoided.


Pitfalls for Researchers and publishers

When facing an open access system, Companies or institutions that focus heavily on research might face increase expenditures on online journals or scholar articles ,whereas those that focuses more on education would face a decrease in expenditure and cost. Hence this could be disadvantages to research companies as they are constantly getting no monetary returns for their work.

In addition it could be plagarism of work. Researchers that put much effort in researching and eventually publishing them online, only finding out that their hard work is copied and claimed as the work of others. It could be seen as unethical as plagarism of work is unfair to those who has placed effort in writing and doing their research work, whereas those that has made no contribution to the research benefitted freely without any cost, what’s worse is to claim the work as their own.

Damaging the publishing market

It is believed that the open access system model is not economically sustainable as it could damage the publishing market as publishing companies might face financial difficulties due to reduced revenue.

In a nutshell, open access system expedites the efficiency in research whereas bringing the worries of plagiarism and lack of innovation. However personally I believe that the motives of users will eventually determine whether it is good or bad to enjoy free access to online materials.


Nature.com, (2014). Nature web focus: Access to the literature: the debate continues. [online] Available at: http://www.nature.com/nature/focus/accessdebate/34.html [Accessed 9 Dec. 2014].

Wiley, D., Green, C. and Soares, L. (2012). Dramatically Bringing down the Cost of Education with OER: How Open Education Resources Unlock the Door to Free Learning. Center for American Progress. [online] Available at: http://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED535639 [Accessed 9 Dec. 2014].

On the line. Reflection on Topic 4.

Certainly, after reading the views of our classmates I have learnt that there are really many types of social media challenges and different forms unethical acts. So where exactly is the line? Shouldn’t there be some form of social code of ethics or web etiquette?

From Yuting ,”Social listening” is using software to monitor mentions on products or brand. However at the midst of using such software, our personal data might be exposed as well. Now we know that technology is a double edged sword, it has its’ pros and cons. The software designed has indeed provided efficiency and effectiveness to companies, however at the risk of consumer’s personal data.

As for Jeanne’s post on ad wars’s between brands, indeed it is effective however it is unethical. Instead, sufficient marketing efforts should be directed to convince consumers that the brand is worth the buy and not using such unethical methods to put others down.

Indeed, invasion of privacy is a significant problem that all web users will face. As I mentioned in Yuting’s post, that is it possible that our data is fully protected? I am not certain about that. Especially for us, Generation Ys , we are web residents and the daily using of social media in many aspect of our lives, it is inevitable that data is exposed online. As long as we use the web, our personal information will be exposed. I guess what we can do to minimise the “damage” is to avoid those cookies on browsers and adjust our personal settings to private. Quoting from Evan “There are many things in the world that are clearly black and white. Ethics, on the hand, is a whole big area of GRAY”. Perhaps only we know in our hearts if what is done right or wrong. When we use the web, let’s have some etiquette.



Crossing the line.Topic 4: ONE ethical issue raised by business use of social media that is considered to be particularly significant.

Nowadays everything can be seen on the web. For instance finding out if a person has integrity, whether this person truly“walks the walk” or speaks the truth about himself. Nevertheless, this leads me to my topic for today,if recruitment practices such as screening conducted by companies through social media is ethical. Personally, I believe this is a significant problem that all of us will face as undergraduates when searching for job positions in the future. Let me share with you more as we go along.

Research gone too far?

A survey carried out by CareerBuilder found that 43% of hiring managers who research candidates said they had found information on social media that caused them not to hire them – but what qualifies as a valid reason?

Checking if the candidate is lying about his qualifications and experience, I believe it is understandable that recruiters themselves want to measure the credibility of future candidates, which might just be colleagues of themselves in the future. Employers also want to know more about candidates to find out whether this employee would be an asset to the company or maybe the complete opposite. “It’s human nature to search. “We want to fill in the blanks,” said Rusty Rueff, a longtime human-resources executive now on the board of careers company Glassdoor Inc. However is it ethical to research too much information that it causes an Invasion of privacy and discrimination?

Invasion of Privacy

More than a third of U.S. employers say they consult social-networking sites during hiring at least some of the time, according to a survey of nearly 1,000 human-resources workers, conducted by EmployeeScreenIQ, a background-check firm. Firms does background checks on their employees, how repulsive and unpleasant would that be to the employees?

Firms need to understand that the information belongs to the candidates themselves. Perhaps the candidate might presume that research about them has been done to this extent, it could be worse when them enter the company.

In addition in cases such as an individual denied of his job due to his activities posted online 20 years ago, it would not fair to judge an candidate based on information found in their personal life.


A large-scale field experiment conducted by Carnegie Mellon University researchers and they found out applicants that are muslim get lesser interview opportunities than to those who are Christians in the states.

When research is done on a candidate, employers would not be able to avoid seeing personal things that might cause discrimination to them such as religon, beliefs, gender preference etc. Research results found for candidates can make impressions however it does not indicate their abilities to perform.

Employers should consider that what should be considered as public information and private information and perhaps stand in the shoes of the employees as well. Subsequently, recognising this might not be the best method of screening potential employees.


HRZone, (2014). [online] Available at: http://www.hrzone.com/feature/recruitment/social-media-screening-it-ethical/143277 [Accessed 5 Dec. 2014].

The ethical challenges of social media, (2011). Business Ethics briefing. [online] Available at: http://www.ibe.org.uk/userassets/briefings/ibe_briefing_22_the_ethical_challenges_of_social_media.pdf [Accessed 5 Dec. 2014].

theGrio, (2013). #HasJustineLandedYet: PR woman’s racist tweet sets off firestorm. [online] Available at: http://thegrio.com/2013/12/21/hasjustinelandedyet-pr-womans-racist-tweet-sets-off-firestorm/ [Accessed 5 Dec. 2014].

University, C. (2014). Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Researchers Investigate How Information Shared Via Online Social Networks Can Lead to Hiring Discrimination-Carnegie Mellon News – Carnegie Mellon University. [online] Cmu.edu. Available at: http://www.cmu.edu/news/stories/archives/2013/november/nov21_hiringdiscrimination.html [Accessed 5 Dec. 2014].

Valentino-DeVries, J. (2014). Bosses May Use Social Media to Discriminate Against Job Seekers. [online] WSJ. Available at: http://online.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702303755504579208304255139392 [Accessed 5 Dec. 2014].

YouTube, (2014). Employers Turning to Social Media in Hiring Process. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJ4JZ6bRoFI [Accessed 5 Dec. 2014].

YouTube, (2014). The Pro & Cons of Screening Job Applicants Using Social Media http://www.employeescreen.com. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwOn3fcdnCU [Accessed 5 Dec. 2014].

Reflection Topic3: “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” ― Søren Kierkegaard

After reading my classmates views on the ways to develop an online professional profile, I have learned new things and realised how much social media can affect us in securing a job. Therefore my takeaways for this topic are as follows.

Quoting from aetiiqcaz “in every good, there is bad”. We thought that social media was just platforms to vent our frustrations and anger, but never consider that it would carry such a huge impact on our future lives( or jobs). Which leads to the need of filtering our data and discretion before uploading data to social platforms and to incorporate authenticity in our online professional profile.

I like Kelly’s post whereby she suggests utilising the right tools is important to portray us at our best and adding on from aetiiqcaz the use of testimonials and referrals to prove the degree of authenticity of our claims on our online professional profiles. Both Kelly and Aetiiqcaz mentioned the use of resume videos to sell themselves which are surely creative and innovative, it really tempts me to make an attempt on creating one for future use!

Subsequently, mentioned by Kelly, making the continuous effort to update your online profiles to prevent the impression that things were made up last minute seeing an upcoming potential job opportunity. To complement it, participating in forum discussions further could be seen as assertive and possessing a mind of her own, More importantly showing authenticity and genuineness of oneself. In addition avoiding posting pictures that will reflect a negative image,as it is less likely you will be recruited. Recruiters appreciate positive images or impressions, and we need to adjust accordingly.

All in all, it is essential that we use the various social medial tools to our advantage by putting ourselves in the best light, and marketing ourselves through websites and usage of social media.Lastly not forgetting honesty is the best policy as the power of social media is would be able to reveal facts and claims about ourselves.


Those I commented on! To Aetiiqcaz & Kelly!

aetiiqcaz., (2014). Are You For Real?. [online] Available at: https://aetiiqcaz.wordpress.com/2014/12/03/are-you-for-real/comment-page-1/#comment-15 [Accessed 4 Dec. 2014].

kellysayswee, (2014). Professional Profile, how?. [online] Available at: http://kellysayswee.wordpress.com/2014/12/03/professional-profile-how/comment-page-1/#comment-26 [Accessed 4 Dec. 2014].


aetiiqcaz., (2014). Are You For Real?. [online] Available at: https://aetiiqcaz.wordpress.com/2014/12/03/are-you-for-real/comment-page-1/#comment-15 [Accessed 4 Dec. 2014].

kellysayswee, (2014). Professional Profile, how?. [online] Available at: http://kellysayswee.wordpress.com/2014/12/03/professional-profile-how/comment-page-1/#comment-26 [Accessed 4 Dec. 2014].

Quotesvalley.com, (2014). [online] Available at: http://www.quotesvalley.com/images/59/honesty-is-better-than-sugar-coated-bullshit.jpg [Accessed 4 Dec. 2014].

Refe99.com, (2014). [online] Available at: http://refe99.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/honesty-is-the-first-chapter-in-the-book-of-wisdom.jpg [Accessed 4 Dec. 2014].

YouTube, (2014). Graeme Anthony C.V.I.V – Intro. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EzNll1U2N8 [Accessed 4 Dec. 2014].

Topic 3: The ways in which an authentic online professional profile can be developed

Perhaps we should start off with what exactly is a résumé? it is the piece of document that you use to show your interviewers regarding the list of achievements and mile stones you attained in life so far. Yes having a resume or a CV is nothing new, but have you heard of Social CV? I believe most of us has yet heard so.

Your social CV is your online presence, which includes how you present yourself on the web. The concept of Social CV is new to most of us and it has its good points, as we ought to be glad that we are no longer just judged by two pieces of paper. However you will be surprised, that statistics show that 92 % of employers are reported to use social media for recruitment; this proves that your social resume plays a huge part in securing your job.

As mentioned in my previous post on multiple online identities, 90% of employees evaluate their prospective employees by social media, therefore it is crucial to build your personal brand or your social CV to be presented as well qualified job candidate.

Authenticity. It is defined as genuine;real;trustworthy and not a false or copied persona. Hence it is important we even in the midst of branding ourselves we will still stay true and provide only facts and legitimate claims about ourselves.

Ways to develop Authentic yet professional personal brand

As the purpose of a CV is to self-sell, the most logical thing to do would be first create a good impression. Firstly, eliminate pictures or information that would display negative image or accounts of you such as scandals etc. Pictures such as clubbing or alcohol consumption would be a absolute no for potential employers. Statistics through a recruitment survey, that 61 % of recruiters do not want to see profanity and 47% for mentions of alcohol consumption, hence we need to filter what are posted onto our social media platforms, that contributes to our social resume.

Another alternative, would be creating different accounts to separate personal and work life, and adjusting the privacy settings of the personal account that it is only limited to your friends and family. For instance professional accounts such as linkedin could be created specifically for professional networking. This is to achieve the impression that you do not mix your personal and work life together, showing your professionalism, as well as the safe guard your privacy.

Subsequently, using additional social media tools and websites to set up your online presence and displaying your achievements. Tools such as twitter or wordpress can quickly share and display information about yourself. In addition using Resumesocial.com to create and share your resume video, you will be able to connect and interact with others in the same field. Also Rezume.com whereby you will be able to connect to job search resources and create, track visits to your profile and list yourself into professional directories. Nevertheless, information displayed should be backed up with evidence in order to show authenticity.

In a nutshell, It is essential that we do consider what is post online as everything contributes to your social resume, which reflects the professionalism of yourself.

personal brand 


Afshar, V. (2014). Proof that the Web is Your Resume | Extreme Networks. [online] Extremenetworks.com. Available at: http://www.extremenetworks.com/the-web-is-your-resume [Accessed 3 Dec. 2014].

GCFLearnFree.org, (2014). Resume Writing: Objectives, Summaries or Professional Profiles. [online] Available at: http://www.gcflearnfree.org/resumewriting/5 [Accessed 3 Dec. 2014].

Undercover Recruiter, (2013). Why You Should Create a Social Media CV [INFOGRAPHIC]. [online] Available at: http://theundercoverrecruiter.com/social-media-cv-info/ [Accessed 3 Dec. 2014].

Time for some bed time reflection

Time for bed time reflection! So here’s mine.

It is crucial that we post information about ourselves appropriately and selectively. Like what Angie mentioned, we might use the internet with positive intentions but others might think otherwise. In addition, our future employees are screening us through social media thus we need to be cautious of the data we give away as neither Google nor Facebook forgets what we posts.

Ebrahim’s views on online identity made me ponder about what are the true intentions of the things that we upload onto our social media platforms. He shared a very good point about are we truly the same person online as we are offline and used a very good example of himself-Mr Ebra, branding himself online that is different from his true self, I believe many of us can relate to that. Perhaps we have adopted a personality that fits the cyber world, the video Ebrahim posted explains it best.  It is important to stay true ourselves and not wear a façade, posting things that are different from your true self. All in all, we need think through the real intentions of our postings and consider its meaningfulness.

Followed by the probe by aetiiqcaz, indeed it made me reflect too if my opinion of keeping work and personal life separated applies to all professions, perhaps not segregating them might be even better! Linking it back to Angie’s post on “91% of the employers use social networking sites to screen their prospective employees” ,for professions such as Marketers showing that you are fun and possess creative DNA could be an important aspect in securing the job, hence there are possibilities that it could be better to leave them as it is.

Anyway continuing from my post, thank you for staying tuned to know my preference! Personally, I am for having multiple identities as I possess different roles at work and home. I feel that it is important to separate work from your personal life. It is to warrant your professionalism and to safeguard your privacy and to protect your family as well.




Managing Your Online Image Across Social Networks

In-text: (The Reppler Effect, 2011)

Bibliography: The Reppler Effect, (2011). Managing Your Online Image Across Social Networks. [online] Available at: http://blog.reppler.com/2011/09/27/managing-your-online-image-across-social-networks/ [Accessed 2 Dec. 2014].


What’s on your mind?

In-text: (YouTube, 2014)

Bibliography: YouTube, (2014). What’s on your mind?. [online] Available at: http://youtu.be/QxVZYiJKl1Y [Accessed 2 Dec. 2014].


In-text: (Google.com.sg, 2014)

Bibliography: Google.com.sg, (2014). Google. [online] Available at:https://www.google.com.sg/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=x2p8VIzBHYuCuAS794H4AQ&gws_rd=ssl#q=what+is+an+online+identity[Accessed 1 Dec




In-text: (Casserly, 2011)

Bibliography: Casserly, M. (2011). Multiple Personalities And Social Media: The Many Faces of Me. [online] Forbes. Available at:http://www.forbes.com/sites/meghancasserly/2011/01/26/multiple-personalities-and-social-media-the-many-faces-of-me/ [Accessed 1 Dec. 2014].

Distinguishing Personal and Work Life?

The world enters swiftly into the digital age, whereby everything is done online. Regardless from purchasing of products such as shopping, groceries shopping; making friends; payments etc, all these are happening and changing in today to bring convenience to people.  Well hence, having an online identity is inevitable, as it is only so, then we can accomplish these things.

So what is the definition of an online presence? Wiki tells us that it is an online persona, that has a social identity that users establishes communities and networks online. Furthermore, it is also considered a strategic constructed presentation of oneself.

What’s good?

There are benefits in having multiple identities online. It will be extremely beneficial for someone who wants to keep his personal life and work life separately. For instance, if I was a teacher, I would choose to have a “Ms Lim” Facebook account whereby I would have hundreds of students as friends, posting educational information such as articles, websites and perhaps posting homework on my Facebook page for student’s completion the very next day!(*hahaha so evil) In addition ,presenting myself as a good role model for students to follow. However, my role ends there as a teacher.

On the other hand, if I am Amanda Lim; the daughter of my dad, the best friend of Rosie(#imaginary),the Aikido club member of Tanglin Community Club. I would post pictures of the lovely dinner my family and I had together two weeks ago or a selfie of myself on my own personal Facebook page, including many other posts on the troubles that I have suffered or learning points I have obtained from that I had in the week, basically my personal emotions. And that is the personal life that I have.

Keeping your personal life and work life separated can warrant your professionalism, be it a doctor or an auditor. Moreover, it safe guards the privacy of your personal life.

So what‘s so bad about it?

Oh well, as I mentioned above that having multiple identities is a good thing! It also has its drawbacks. So now we ask ourselves it is possible to distinguish work and personal life so clearly? I’m not very certain about that. Because even at work we still have our emotions and personal thoughts, however, we are forced to separate our personal emotions and roles so clearly, it might not be possible. Furthermore, possessing multiple accounts might make the user feel unreal, that someone segregates himself and expresses different aspects of his life to different audiences, you might wonder after a while whom exactly is the real you.

My preference? Stay tuned to find out;)

Alright thanks for reading guys..till I write!




In-text: (Google.com.sg, 2014)

Bibliography: Google.com.sg, (2014). Google. [online] Available at: https://www.google.com.sg/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=x2p8VIzBHYuCuAS794H4AQ&gws_rd=ssl#q=what+is+an+online+identity [Accessed 1 Dec


Multiple Personalities And Social Media: The Many Faces of Me

In-text: (Casserly, 2011)

Bibliography: Casserly, M. (2011). Multiple Personalities And Social Media: The Many Faces of Me. [online] Forbes. Available at: http://www.forbes.com/sites/meghancasserly/2011/01/26/multiple-personalities-and-social-media-the-many-faces-of-me/ [Accessed 1 Dec. 2014].

Reflection Essay of Topic 1: “By 3 methods we may learn, first by reflection.Which is the noblest.By Imitation Which is the easiest. Third by experience, which is the bitterest”

So after reading through most of my classmate’s opinion on Topic 1, I couldn’t help but agree as I read along! Great job classmates;) #SOTONGKIDSFTW

Here I would like to highlight Rochelle’s statement on Digital residents “They place great value in belonging online as their lives pretty much involves connecting their loved ones through the Internet.” To them, it means so much as they uses lives revolves about the web, using it to connect to their loved ones. Indeed, I share the same consensus, and I have recognized myself as a digital resident. A very good example would be after getting the newest Redmi note 4G phone for myself and realizing that it couldn’t access to Instagram due to incompatible software, it pissed me off a little that I am not able to be updated with the latest news and notifications of my friends and loved ones.(Shows how attached I am to social media huh?)

In addition, Yiming’s views on age or whether being born in the digital world matters made me ponder about it. And yes I agree to it, as long as someone perseveres to learn the skills of using the web with training and practice, or for better there is interest, nothing is unattainable. Interest could be said as one of the greatest motivator in learning something; it motivates us to push further and you would learn with joy. As Wikipedia says, that “hunger is frequently the motive to seek and consume food”, similarly interest is the motivation to seek and consume knowledge to learn and eventually attain the goal of mastering it.

Alright so that’s about it guys..Cheers and have a fantastic weekend!:)




Term Paper on Self Interest and fear motivation In-text: (Non-plagiarized-termpapers.com, 2014)

Bibliography: Non-plagiarized-termpapers.com, (2014). Term Paper on Self Interest and fear motivation. [online] Available at: http://www.non-plagiarized-termpapers.com/resources/self_interest.html [Accessed 28 Nov. 2014].